Added as of V1.7.0: Class 801 mesh train upgrade released. New Stepford Express branding released. Electrostars upgrade: Class 387, 379 and 377 converted to 5-car 377/7. Airlink branding update completed for stations and signage. New track to create a triangle at Morganstown and a new overpass between St Helens Bridge and Elsemere Junction. 3 new Stepford Express routes via the line through. Trains in Terminal Railways can be used for everything in the game, ranging from passenger transportation to freight. The trains are divided into different countries of origin. Different trains have different speeds and different amounts of passengers they can carry. Currently, there are 25 free trains, while the rest are paid by attainable credits. Note that the prices of the trains may.
Name / Title | Added | Expires | Hits | Syntax | |
Just A Acccount | Dec 17th, 2020 | Never | 69 | None | - |
The FInal Part Attack On Titan Freedom Awaits | Dec 13th, 2020 | Never | 103 | None | - |
The Part Of Script | Dec 12th, 2020 | Never | 64 | None | - |
ShuShi Hub | Dec 11th, 2020 | Never | 39 | None | - |
Another Booga Booga | Dec 11th, 2020 | Never | 35 | None | - |
Anomic | Dec 9th, 2020 | Never | 96 | None | - |
Electric State DarkRp | Dec 8th, 2020 | Never | 60 | None | - |
Blacksite Zeta | Dec 8th, 2020 | Never | 205 | None | - |
Boat GUI [Free] PLS READ | Dec 2nd, 2020 | Never | 97 | None | - |
Rythm GUI [Free] PLS READ | Dec 2nd, 2020 | Never | 24 | None | - |
Wisteria GUI [Free] | Dec 2nd, 2020 | Never | 359 | None | - |
My Discord | Nov 10th, 2020 | Never | 41 | None | - |
Enlite Theatre [Free Script] | Sep 7th, 2020 | Never | 68 | None | - |
War Simulator [Free Script] | Sep 7th, 2020 | Never | 5,848 | None | - |
Reborn | Sep 7th, 2020 | Never | 107 | None | - |
Nova UMG GUI | Jun 21st, 2020 | Never | 197 | None | - |
NordVPN Premium | Oct 12th, 2019 | Never | 16,551 | None | - |
NordVPN Premium (Free) | Oct 12th, 2019 | Never | 16,605 | None | - |
Release | Final Night | GUI | Oct 12th, 2019 | Never | 16,389 | None | - |
Op Booga Booga GUI | Oct 12th, 2019 | Never | 16,408 | None | - |
(Update) Op RoCitizen GUI | Oct 8th, 2019 | Never | 203 | None | - |
(Updated RE-Release) Op Rocitizen GUI | Oct 7th, 2019 | Never | 106 | None | - |
Rexic (Release In 13 October) | Oct 7th, 2019 | Never | 342 | C++ | - |
InProggres GUI (You cant use it wait for the full... | Oct 6th, 2019 | Never | 181 | None | - |
Im Back + Cyilitics Hub (Extremely Injector Need) | Oct 6th, 2019 | Never | 463 | Objective C | - |
Site - 61 Give Card L5 | Jul 6th, 2019 | Never | 917 | None | - |
CBRO GUI (ZenoWare) | Jul 5th, 2019 | Never | 244 | None | - |
Survivor GUI | Jul 5th, 2019 | Never | 167 | None | - |
Arsenal (Gun MOD) | Jul 3rd, 2019 | Never | 1,028 | None | - |
Banning Simulator Reset Cash: Use if got negative... | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 162 | None | - |
Banning Simulator inf Money | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 585 | None | - |
Banning Simulator Gamepasses | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 1,824 | None | - |
Banning Simulator Auto Rebirth | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 563 | None | - |
Banning Simulator Kill All Mobs | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 1,285 | None | - |
[Super Op] Counter Blox | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 232 | None | - |
[INSANE OP] Ro-Ghoul GUI | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 270 | None | - |
Troublesome Adventure Op Gui | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 153 | None | - |
Blox Saber [Updated] Working %100 | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 309 | None | - |
Parkour Bag ESP | Jun 24th, 2019 | Never | 168 | None | - |
Diving Sim Fix | Jun 23rd, 2019 | Never | 117 | None | - |
LAST! AGAIN | Jun 23rd, 2019 | Never | 90 | None | - |
Diving Simulator Updated | Jun 23rd, 2019 | Never | 219 | None | - |
Superhero City Last SCRIPT | Jun 22nd, 2019 | Never | 1,435 | None | - |
LAST! | Jun 22nd, 2019 | Never | 247 | None | - |
Dancing Simulator Auto Rebirth And Coins | Jun 13th, 2019 | Never | 138 | None | - |
Rocitizen FE Spawn Car | Jun 8th, 2019 | Never | 122 | None | - |
Legends Of Speed Auto Rebirth Script | Jun 7th, 2019 | Never | 303 | None | - |
Op Legends Of Speed Script | Jun 7th, 2019 | Never | 491 | None | - |
Dungeon Quest Script (Super Op) Version.Non Loadst... | May 27th, 2019 | Never | 350 | None | - |
Dungeon Quest Script (Super Op) Stealing From Paid... | May 27th, 2019 | Never | 319 | None | - |
Prison Life ShotGun Fast Shot (Synapse x Only) | May 26th, 2019 | Never | 108 | None | - |
Case Clicker Script Op | May 26th, 2019 | Never | 277 | None | - |
Supervillain Simulator V2 | May 26th, 2019 | Never | 82 | None | - |
Supervillain Simulator Script | May 26th, 2019 | Never | 81 | None | - |
Brokencash v2 | May 25th, 2019 | Never | 168 | None | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 List Spawn Item | May 23rd, 2019 | Never | 6,205 | None | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 Script (GUI) Super Op | May 23rd, 2019 | Never | 356 | None | - |
Brokencash v2 (BROKEN BONES IV) | May 23rd, 2019 | Never | 332 | None | - |
Booga Booga Script | May 21st, 2019 | Never | 3,126 | None | - |
Terminal Railway Script (Free Train) | May 21st, 2019 | Never | 173 | None | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 Script (Copy Base) | May 21st, 2019 | Never | 5,452 | None | - |
Vacuum Simulator Script (Speed,Range) | May 21st, 2019 | Never | 1,938 | None | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 Script Super Op | May 20th, 2019 | Never | 1,286 | None | - |
Build A Boat Script (Autofarm) | May 19th, 2019 | Never | 520 | None | - |
Counter Blox (GUI) Open/Close (Y) | May 18th, 2019 | Never | 16,828 | None | - |
Build A Boat Script (GUI) | May 17th, 2019 | Never | 192 | None | - |
Build A Boat Script (Free All Block) | May 17th, 2019 | Never | 429 | C++ | - |
New Roblox Scam (GAME) | May 17th, 2019 | Never | 214 | JavaScript | - |
The Streets Script | May 13th, 2019 | Never | 108 | C++ | - |
Build A Boat Script | May 12th, 2019 | Never | 130 | HTML | - |
My Code! | May 12th, 2019 | Never | 196 | None | - |
Parkour Script Glove | May 11th, 2019 | Never | 1,508 | C++ | - |
UpdatecomingSoon | May 11th, 2019 | Never | 131 | None | - |
Giveaway | May 11th, 2019 | Never | 311 | None | - |
Giveaway | May 11th, 2019 | Never | 195 | None | - |
Prison Life Gui | May 11th, 2019 | Never | 174 | None | - |
ROBLOX ACCOUNT | May 10th, 2019 | Never | 964 | C++ | - |
JOIN GAME PEOPLE NOT FREIND | May 8th, 2019 | Never | 112 | ZXBasic | - |
Wolves' life 3 Hacks | May 6th, 2019 | Never | 155 | C++ | - |
Electric State Darkrp (ESP) | May 6th, 2019 | Never | 188 | C++ | - |
Owner Free Gamepass | May 6th, 2019 | Never | 291 | Objective C | - |
Sword Fighting Simulator (Auto Farm) Use Trigon Is... | May 6th, 2019 | Never | 336 | C++ | - |
NEW GAME ROBLOX LINK | May 6th, 2019 | Never | 168 | C++ | - |
Granny Tp Items | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 134 | C++ | - |
Vehicle Simulator Hacks Super Op V.2 | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 259 | JavaScript | - |
Vehicle Simulator Hacks Super Op | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 114 | C++ | - |
Vehicle Simulator Hacks Op | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 96 | C++ | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 Hacks Op (Lag) | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 124 | C++ | - |
Lumber Tycoon 2 Hacks Op | May 5th, 2019 | Never | 165 | C++ | - |
Ghost Simulator (Hacks) For Only This Day | May 4th, 2019 | Never | 101 | Objective C | - |
Ultra-Jump Simulator 3.0 Scripts (JumpPower) | May 1st, 2019 | Never | 321 | JavaScript | - |
Ultra-Jump Simulator 3.0 Scripts (COINS) | May 1st, 2019 | Never | 212 | JavaScript | - |
Innovation Inc. Spaceship Gui | May 1st, 2019 | Never | 97 | JavaScript | - |
Ultimate Jumping Simulator 2 | May 1st, 2019 | Never | 158 | JavaScript | - |
Slaying Simulator (OLD SCRIPT) UPDATED AT 17 AUGUS... | Apr 29th, 2019 | Never | 89 | JavaScript | - |
Unboxing Simulator Hacks (GUI) NEW FEATURE | Apr 28th, 2019 | Never | 178 | JavaScript | - |
LINK FOR MY FREIND PASTEBIN | Apr 27th, 2019 | Never | 206 | C++ | - |
Iron Man Simulator Hacks (GUI) | Apr 27th, 2019 | Never | 119 | JavaScript | - |
Unboxing Simulator Hacks | Apr 27th, 2019 | Never | 197 | JavaScript | - |
Robloxian Highschool Hacks (Need To Fix And More F... | Apr 27th, 2019 | Never | 124 | JavaScript | - |
Train Station Simulator is a station builder and manager game. Create and maintain your dream grand station!
Ride the rails and operate your ultimate grand central empire!
A crowded hub
Be a creative engineer by planning flooring tiles, building walls and installing dozens of public space related objects and facilities.
Bring your station to life
Open your favorite restaurants and cafés and hire your staff for a more reliable operating system. Deploy all major public transportation.
Real-life staion modeling challenges
The demand for rail travel is evident: setup the complete timetable for your hub and never ran a train off the track by employing system engineers.
Create, build and
manage your train station
Start zoning your station with your favorite flooring materials, plan walls, connect sessions with corridors and create emergency routes. Place ticketing machines, benches, food facilities or even toilets accordingly that passengers can access them easily.
Hire your staff and manage
salaries and working shifts
Keep your station clean of debris, secure all areas by police officers and never ran a train off the track by employing system engineers. Hire your staff for a more reliable operation. A cleaner station makes passengers happy that increases income.
Deliver more tracks and
manage all schedules

As time flies by your terminal hub starts to expand. Set up restaurants, bars and cafés and allow them to grow and bloom into successful businesses. Open up new building wings and connect all areas with corridors so passengers can easily access all spaces.
Select from campaign modes to endless gameplay
Train Station Simulator will be shipping with over 25 uniquely designed game modes ready to be played not only for days but weeks and months. The game includes 'Campaign', 'Ready', 'Mission', 'Survival' and 'Endless' play modes.
Train Station Simulator has been designed with very complex algorithms to ensure a real-life experience. Each passer has their individual hunger/thirst/bladder/tiredness/mood indicator and gamers can set these statistics to be displayed one by one or for everyone.
Train Station Simulator will be shipping with uniquely designed and fitted train types. The basic game includes train types from all over the globe but 'Modular Train Packs' will also be available selected by user demand and feedback. Moreover, a custom mode will let players place their own creations into the game.
Train Station Simulator EA is planned to be launched on 14th December 2017 on Steam as a PC game. Player feedback is key for developing a game and the traditional Steam community will open a perfect place for suggestions and new feature request from all of our players.
Roblox Train Railroad
Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 (or higher) (64 bit)
Processor: Intel: Intel Core i7 2.6 GHz | AMD: 3 GHz (or higher)
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Any (1.5 GB RAM or higher)
DirectX: Version 9
Storage: 500 MB available space
Additional Notes:
The game currently only supports 16:9 full screen or windowed mode.