Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Cursor


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. It's way more handy than Downshift because being able to move the cursor faster helps out when future mechanics are introduced to.

It was a tale like any other. Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Girl might feel the same way - but before he gets to find out, both get trapped in a mysterious school that has a psychotic murderous teddy bear for a headmaster, who forces the pupils to kill each other if they want to see the outside world ever again.

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This, is Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, the heavily story driven, and just that little bit crazy 'visual novel' from Spike Chunsoft, the creators of similarly themed 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, and the equally brilliant Virtue's Last Reward. A PS Vita exclusive that, despite the name, has oddly little to do with triggers, this is a very different sort of game to the usual high octane shooters. A kind of 'choose your own adventure' novel mixed with a sprinkling of the court cases and logic busting of Phoenix Wright, and even a pinch of rhythm action game, this is an incredibly well written, roller-coaster ride of a tale that'll have you up until the early hours of morning, because you can't wait to find out what happens next.

Danganronpa trigger happy havoc website

At a time where the big AAA games rarely seem to care about character development beyond putting a gun in a guy's hand and giving him an excuse to shoot at some things, Danganronpa is a breath of fresh air, as every single one of its characters has a believable personality of their own - something essential in a game like this.

You play as Makoto Naegi, a rather ordinary, non-exciting, non-spectacular student who's set to start attending a school for the anything but ordinary. You see, Makoto was the 'lucky' student who won a lottery to attend Hope's Peak Academy, a school for the elite of the country's elite. Everyone else who's admitted is brilliant at something - or as the game puts it, the 'ultimate' - with 14 of the brightest young minds in the country being selected alongside Makoto. There's Celestia Ludenberg, the Ultimate Gambler, a straight faced gothic lolita who's got the world's best poker face; the straight laced and incredibly serious Kiyotaka Ishimaru, who's known as the Ultimate Moral Compass; the pretty yet stereotypical Junko Enoshima, otherwise known as the Ultimate Fashionista, and even the somewhat rotund Hifumi Yamada, who's earnt his place by being the 'Ultimate Fanfic Creator'. They're joined by Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist, whose heavily muscle bound appearance means she's often mistaken for being a man, and Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Bike Gang Leader, amongst several others.

But no matter what their ultimate talent, each of the students soon find themselves cut down to size, as they're plunged into a nightmare on their very first day at school. Passing out as soon as they enter the main hall, each of the students re-awakes in a room that looks somewhat different to before. With the windows bolted over, and all contact with the outside world cut off, it doesn't take long before they realise they're trapped - and soon a mysterious black and white teddy bear, known as Monokuma appears on a screen, where he explains what's going on - at least, in his twisted mind.

Apparently trapping the students inside the school 'for their own safety', the group's faced with a terrifying decisions. Should they wish, they can choose to live together as a unit, trapped inside the school for the rest of their lives, where they will be fed, watered, and clothed, so long as they can live without ever seeing the outside world, and those they've left behind, ever again. If they want to get out, it's easy enough - all they have to do is graduate - but how they do that is harder than simply passing a test. If they want to escape, they have to kill another pupil, and not get found out during the 'class trials' that follows, where the pupils come together to cast their verdict on who-dunnit. If the class chooses correctly, the 'blackened', who committed the murder, will be killed. If not, every other pupil will die, and the blackened will walk free.

Sometimes, you get the chance to choose different branches through conversations, but it has no effect on the story.

It's a pretty horrific concept, and one the game handles incredibly well, with a suffocating sense of foreboding weighing over your time in the school. As each of the pupils slowly starts to come to grips with the reality of their situation, you'll be glued to each of the conversations, as you mash X, desperate to keep the story moving forward, in the hope that things may start to look up, and you might be able to find a way out. Balanced with plenty of light hearted humour (another rarity in games), it creates a really weird contrast, that gives everything an almost playful feel.

But before you know it, one by one, the students start dropping like flies.

A game of lies and subterfuge, as the evil Monokuma does his best to plant the seeds that'll encourage the students to turn against each other, bonds are formed and broken, and the students have to come to terms with the brutal murder of fellow class mates time and time again. It's a story that moves at an incredible pace, yet is always easy to follow, as the students struggle with their trust, trying to convince themselves that simply staying within the school forever is an option, and that no-one left could ever kill someone - but you never see the next murder coming.

After the first murder's happened, the game switches pace a little, and rather than simply moving from one dialogue bit to the next, you're free to explore the school, as you put your detective hat on and try to figure out exactly what happened. We won't go into too many details here, as we want to avoid spoilers, but if you've ever played Phoenix Wright, you'll know what to expect. Presented with the scene of the crime on the screen, it's up to you to poke anything that looks of interest, as you comb for clues, and anything else that might give you any hints. Slowly, with the help of your fellow students, you'll start to piece together an idea of what happened - but there are plenty of red herrings for you to trip over on the way. As with any good murder mystery, nothing is ever as it seems - and the twists that lie in store for you here are almost impossible to see coming.

Once you've sufficiently gathered your evidence, it's off to the class trial, where Monokuma gets to enjoy watching what little trust each of the students had for each other slowly get torn apart. By the time you've got to the class trial, you'll usually have a pretty good idea in your head who-dunnit, and your classmates, having taken the bait hook, line and sinker, will assume it's someone else. With everyone's lives on the line, this is your chance to turn their thinking round, and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt who the guilty party is - but how you go about doing that is a little bit strange.

Each of the pieces of evidence, or facts you deduced from the scene of the crime here become 'truth bullets', which you can use to 'shoot' through, and shatter the testimonies of the other students. Set in a kind of repeating loop, which you can go through as many times as you want, each of the students will say what they think happened, with the words appearing on screen in a massive font, with words in yellow being potential weaknesses. The only problem you have is that you have to find the right words to shoot - and use the right truth bullet to shoot them with. On easy, that's about all you have to worry about - but on harder difficulties, things are made even more complex thanks to 'white noise', where random, non related sentences (in purple) will spin around over the words you're trying to shoot at. Luckily, these can be knocked out of the way by either using the rear touch screen to tap them (which is tricky), or using the left analogue stick to move your cursor, before pressing square to destroy the white noise (which is easier), and triangle to fire the bullet of much truth +4, but it's a mostly unwanted distraction.

Destroy your opponents with words of truth.

Danganronpa is one of the few games that lets you choose separate difficulty settings for both the 'puzzles' and the 'action' parts of the games. Set action to easy and puzzle to hard, and while you'll be presented with plenty of brain teasers during the trials, with more options to choose from, and more complex contradictions to spot, you won't have to worry about white noise getting in your way. What you will have to worry about, though, is the initially confusing ability to take the words people say, and turn them into a truth bullet, which you can then fire back against them. While it sounds simple enough, it's sadly not all that logical in practice, as it's never really made clear when you need to do it. Sometimes you'll have to take the very last thing said in the loop, and then wait for the loop to repeat so you can use it against a testimony from earlier on, which requires more than a little bit of thinking in game logic rather than real life logic. Still, complaints like this are mercifully few and far between.

Unfortunately, though, Danganronpa also sometimes suffers from a problem common to similar games, like Phoenix Wright, where often it's not entirely clear which truth bullet you're supposed to be using - not because none of them seem to contradict the testimony, but because several do, and you can't tell which one to use. Adding a bit of unwanted guess work into an otherwise very intelligent game, it puts a bit of a downer on the otherwise gripping class trials.

Once you really start to make some headway in the trials, you'll go into a bizarre 'rhythm action' style segment, where you have to press buttons in time with a tune/marker at the bottom of the screen to shatter their argument once and for all. It's incredibly weird, but thankfully not all that hard to pull off. What's trickier are the 'hangman's gambit' phases, which seem to pop up randomly once per trial, and have you trying to solve an anagram by shooting at letters. The only problem is, half of the letters are fake, and there's only ever three displayed on screen at once anyway. If you don't know what the mystery word is (which usually relates to a key piece of evidence, like 'knife' for example), you'll be stumped here - although you can usually have a good guess from the preceding back and forth during the trial.

Ship? Ihip? Hiip?

Once you've solved the trial successfully (and you can't actually get it wrong - if you get a game over, the trial restarts simply restarts from where you left off), it's back to your 'normal' life in the school, as you look for a way out, explore the school, and get to know the other pupils better. After each murder, a new floor of the school will open up, giving you plenty of new territory to look around during your 'free time', which you can also use to talk to your fellow students. Get to know them better by choosing to hang out with them, and you'll not only unlock more information about them and their back-story (helping fill out their in game report card), but you'll also unlock a power that'll help you out during the trial. Whether it's slowing down the speed of the text, or giving you more letters during the anagrams, the powers can be incredibly helpful, if you equip the right ones - so it makes sense to talk to a wide variety of people. Part dating game, you can only actually get to know the characters fully if you give them gifts that they might actually like - gifts which you can buy from the school's special lucky capsule machine, using coins you've collected by searching the rooms. It's all very weird, but then again, so's the rest of the game.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Walkthrough

But for all it gets right, Danganronpa has one problem that, while it won't affect your enjoyment of the game, can certainly take the wind out of your sails at just the wrong moment. It has a pretty poor ending. While there's plenty of twists that you'll never see coming, the ending doesn't really answer any of the questions that were raised during the game. While we can't go into any real details without spoiling things, it's probably best you don't have your heart set on a truly eye opening conclusion that ties everything together neatly.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Cursor

Perhaps equally disappointing for fans of similar visual novels is that there's no branching paths through the Danganronpa story. Choosing instead to be one incredibly well paced, singular tale, rather than be several stories wrapped into one, once you've finished Danganronpa, you'll have seen almost everything there is to see, and there's sadly no way you can affect the story. You can't affect who lives and dies, and there is no happy ending where everyone escapes together. People will die, murders will always happen, and despair will spread.

But despite the minor story issues, Danganronpa is still a game that every Vita owner should have in their collection. With characters you'll grow attached to, a wicked sense of humour, and a story that will keep you up until the small hours of the morning, this is a masterclass of storytelling that won't let you down until the very, very end (and even then, it's not as bad as it could have been). If you want a real page turner that'll get your brain working, this the one for you - and watch out for the sequel, coming out later this year.

Format Reviewed: PS Vita

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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Summary

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc is the type of game which needs the kind of preference to be appreciated. It is proudly boring by configuration, does not eliminate some gorgeous in-your-face viciousness, also simplifies several habitual ongoing interaction elements with an odd selection of mechanisms not frequently found in undertakings. Regardless of how it asks that gamers analyze murders and illuminating them such as Capcom’s well-known Phoenix Wright games, it’s a ways with the carefree methodology and facetious silliness of that arrangement. As coordinated by David Lynch, it likened to some passage in the Saw movie institution. Originally, a Vita discerning yet as of late ported to PC and PS4, it is a good match for those willing to appreciate its own odd sensibilities, yet more than many games, it definitely will not be for everybody.

Gamers assume the task of Makoto Naegi, a leading college understudy who, inducing him a profound sense of shock, was welcome to visit the prestigious Hope’s Peak Academy, in which only the many world-class understudies are ready for the presence of progress. Venturing to the college on management day he quickly loses awakens and comprehension at a homeroom. Meeting with understudies that are different, he discovers that the college is adjusted up grabbing them indoors. More dreadful, they are before long educated by the cute and misleadingly cuddly robot teddy bear Monokuma, and whomever controls him from at the backdrop, they will stay caught constantly, except when they take an interest in a twisted killing match, with the only survivor function as”grad” and discharged go in the world.

After the center of the game was introduced, the remainder of the narrative a part of six segments paving how with a preliminary to closing and homicide. At whatever stage a homicide comes to pass, the remaining understudies should have an interest in a course to try to obtain the executioner. In the event the party that is guilty could be distinguished without issue, the individual will find a field that is contorted and fatal. In case you fail to prepare blame, all understudies nevertheless the responsible one — called the”darkened” — are murdered.

Locating a fantastic rate cast of characters is a endeavor that is challenging from the get-go until you become acquainted with them. First off, Makoto meets with all the two of others without the delay of a moment . Providentially, this personality configuration’s entirety is just one of a sort and entertaining. Their absurd personalities are as essential as their misrepresented highlights, like the otaku understudy Hifumi who believes about the 2D world of his manga compared to his real associates, or the aggressively torn world-class competition Sakura. The peculiarity of these characters is aid in receiving your orientation but the story is a bit slacking through a few components. Since you show signs of advancement throw and handle on the story, the accounts gets impressively.

Toward the beginning of each section, if things are at their calmest, you may take part. Here, Makoto vents in scripted and interactivity parts together with his schoolmates. There a bit of housekeeping comprised — moving to activate discussion scenes to help keep the plot. Throughout parts, you’re also given squares of period called as Free Time, in which you may choose to pay a visit to with creating their connection. Regardless of how tissue can be assisted by these sections they appear filler and make little difference to the account that is overall performs. Evidently, they are sometimes skipped indoors and outside by heading to sleep instead, but this comes at the price of passing up unlockable abilities and skill focuses that extend the clocks during course preliminaries or provide extra chances to react to questions.

Meandering around the college is accomplished using an overlay map which could be reversed here and there, in a manner. Entering a homeroom or other place triggers an intriguing change suggestive of opening up a cardboard spring up the publication, where all of furniture falls insprings upward, or unfurls itself or another. Various personalities are displayed along these lines; although real discussions incorporate big, static character representations, each of understudies less of today linked with our cardboard patterns which always face the participant, turning creepily in their hub as you move beyond them.

Controls operate more frequently than not turning will feel slimmer than it needs to. Don’t do the job unfathomably Whenever some camera settings may be supported off in the menu, moving and turning together with the PS4 controller’s two thumbsticks. The camera comes with an propensity for relieving back at whatever stage it bolts on into an article that is intuitive, postponing development. Though the overlay map indicates the floorplan, it is not smart whatsoever — there’s a second, much more useful manual, yet it’s merely accessible by having another menu screen. Here is the manual most players will mention the majority of the time as it features quick travel concentrates to move from guide A toward stage B very promptly and supplies information on where to visit advance and also discover areas of each other character.

In just a time, the narrative gets into an individual body’s disclosure. This is the location. There’s the sport exploits this, and a good deal of uncertainty to go around. The Daily Life fragment closes, and the Deadly Life Interface begins. Like before, time is a part involving evaluation successions and discourse scenes, where Makoto looks getting hints and exploring others and goes into lands of intrigue. That is fairly hand-holdy, and the narrative will not move forward until every bit of information was shown, therefore, all the Class Trial starts.

How its courtroom scenes are handled by Danganronpa is one of some kind. A very long way from basically comprehending content and calling attention to inconsistencies (yet this happens too ), you will find a significant amount of varied ongoing interaction elements, for the most part, minigames, which compose the different stages of this Class Trial. Pieces of data are talked to as Truth Bullets, which should really be pointed and shot shots at reasonable inconsistencies in the material since it strikes over the monitor. In any case, realizing a statement is faulty, discrediting it despite what demands careful stage and time since missing will create the Truth Bullet innocuously bobbed off insignificant content or is distracted by distinct explanations, called White Noise. Other preliminary parts include playing with an exemplary round of Hangman and strengthening your situation at a musicality established Bullet Time Battle, each using its own unique guidelines. At long last, an instance has to be wrapped up by providing a Final Argument, so relocating images in an option-to-left manga amusement of this wrongdoing, in the point watching everything perform live and in living .


Tossing pretty much anything in you, you will find such a high number of different segments into the Class Trials that close to the end of this match, new, continuing interaction styles that need their particular educational exercises are as being exhibited. Along with the simple fact that it feels odd to maintain a homicide evaluation and from nowhere to break to a beat minigame, but the interruptions essentially are not exceptionally enjoyable. It seems progressively enjoy an example of”period to get beyond this one” renunciation and because the period between preliminaries is really lengthy, a repairman you learned and used for all of 30 seconds will be all anyhow missed when it flies up during the subsequent one. Trouble for all these minigames changes and may be balanced at the menu, but the aggravation of being restricted, even immediately, to jump through pointless and odd loops stays. In the event you bomb a minigame enough events to develop short on health (a real health pub decreases each time you respond incorrect or bomb a test), the sport basically sends you straight back to the current preliminary part to try again, this time together with reestablished wellbeing. Falling flat can make it easier to triumph whenever.

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Demo

Class Trials is looking, often taking a couple of hours to demonstrate something which you might have had the choice to reason. This can again and now make the story to feel as though it is moving in an agonizingly slow clip, painfully anticipation on poring over every careful detail. To finish it off, every phase runs on a clock, however as much as possible will be ludicrously liberal. Effectively finishing preliminary honors a overall score, and reimbursement of Monokuma Coins, the in-game currency which may be spent to purchase endowments that growth Makoto’s relationships together with his coworkers.

On the off probability that a gathering of kids killing each other from edginess is not enough, Danganronpa wrenches that the perversion dial up a couple of degrees for its post-preliminary Punishments. All these are complex, remorseless, often ferocious manners the killers get what is coming to them. They feel as a dull decoration for settling every case and viewing what wise combination Monokuma has concocted next quickly becomes something to expect, in certain psychotic way. Be that as it may, a lot of the understudies have personalities that are wounded and dim, and there and here it’s hard finding one to pull . Obviously, as gloomy and dreadful because it very well might be, you will find snapshots of both levity and anticipation throughout the match’s around half an hour of playtime, and nobody is depicted contrarily”on the grounds ”

The examples group multiplied down to the impediments that were technical, Together with the newest form they needed to operate with. It’s essentially a 2D game set in a 3D space with its own spring upward novel feel and really puts its notable personality plans upfront. At moments such as the executions, cinematics is used Regardless of the fact you will see the majority of the time. Stunning hand-drawn scenes have been filled up with exactly what the game’s writer calls”psycho pop craftsmanship”: vibrant colors soaking everything to diverge in the depression, defame topic. Rooms and foyers are lit and put in vibrant pastels; throughout course preliminaries, the display is trapped packed with transferring pennants, appearing over material, vivified character images and that is just the tip of the iceberg; and bloodstream is a fabulous fluorescent pink which only flies off the display. Really menus emphasize neon foundations.

Acclaim for your audio accompanies of a proviso. The paths themselves are very much left, engaging in their freedom and keep the mind-set mild for the discouraging moments before beginning to build strain once again. These scores are incredibly infectious and follow your own memory for a substantial amount of time following the match has ended. The problem is that each and every tune is rehashed. The voice-overs, that is set to English or the regional Japanese, are passable, together with Monokuma’s virtuous merriment married to harmful psychosis standing separated by the remainder. A section of the discourse is uttered, except for also a few other decision moments and cinematics. Whatever the instance, characters are tossing in commotions, lines, or sound effects as you browse content. Since it is attached to the remaining preferences, this component is irritating it can not be turned off.

By and large, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a sport whose all-out adventure is much more notable than the whole of its components. Not every thing about it’s fantastic. Are anything but a dream to restrain, and also the UI and audio strategy can be somewhat upsetting. Be as it may, this can be eclipsed by an outstanding visual fashion, vital character constructions, and a narrative that pushes players down a very long driveway in an exceptionally dim rabbit opening. Continuing interaction is problematic, and many will probably either dislike or love the non-standard method to manage court series exhibited here. Whatever the situation, with pacing, as discouraging as it’s intriguing and a narrative, it’s stories in a number of areas and a homicide riddle which will capture lovers of flipped.

System Prerequisites

  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7400
  • Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Document Size:5 GB


  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2GHz / AMD FX-8300
  • Pictures: AMD Radeon R7 240 v2 1GB or NVIDIA GeForce GT 740
  • System Performance: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 6 GB Hard disk distance

Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Trials

The Way To Obtain Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc

1. Click the”Download Sport” button.
2. Download “Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc” Installer (Supports Resumable Downloads).
3. Open the Installer and then choose the directory in which to Install.
4. Allow it to Download whole Version game on your directory that is given.
5. Open the Sport and Revel in Play.

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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc Achievement Guide

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