Roblox Free Wing Codes
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Jun 23rd, 2012
Free Black Wings On Roblox
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- Evil={'your name here'} --Put name here and on line 4 press R for wings
- bin.TextureId=''
- script.Parent=bin
- bin=script.Parent
- player=bin.Parent.Parent
- rot=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
- bin:remove()
- T=new('Sound')
- T.Pitch=.4
- X=function(f)coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(f))end
- life=function(obj,time)debris:AddItem(obj,time)end
- local bv,bg,torso,Lmotor,Rmotor,head
- fly=150
- for i,v in pairs(player.Character:children())do
- return v
- end
- wing=function()
- for i,v in pairs(torso.Parent:children())do
- v:remove()
- end
- mainwingpart.Name='WingMain'
- mainwingpart.Size=vnew(1,1,1)
- mainwingpart.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- weld=new('Weld',torso)
- weld.Part1=mainwingpart
- WingRight=new('WedgePart')
- WingRight.Size=vnew(.04,.3,.5)
- WingRight.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- Rmotor=new('Motor',mainwingpart)
- Rmotor.Part1=WingRight
- Rmotor.C1=rot(0,math.pi/1.5,0)+vnew(-.18,-.10,.8)
- dan=-2
- wait()
- pp=new('WedgePart')
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- if w1 then
- else
- end
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- pp.Material='Slate'
- if dan1 then
- asdlal=new('WedgePart')
- asdlal.formFactor=3
- for lawlz,Evil in pairs(Evil)do
- asdlal:remove()
- asdlal.formFactor=3
- asdlal.Size=vnew(.25,.8,15/w)
- end
- asdlal.CanCollide=false
- asdlal.Parent=pp
- mmm.Part0=pp
- mmm.C0=fnew(0,0,-asdlal.Size.z/2)
- if w1 then
- else
- end
- ppmotor.Part0=ppmotor.Parent
- if w1 then
- else
- ppmotor.C0=rot(-.1/(w/7),-.07,0)+vnew(0,pp.Size.y,0)
- nextpp=pp
- WingLeft=new('WedgePart')
- WingLeft.Size=vnew(.04,.3,.5)
- WingLeft.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- Lmotor=new('Motor',mainwingpart)
- Lmotor.Part1=WingLeft
- Lmotor.C1=rot(0,-math.pi/1.5,0)+vnew(0.18,-.10,.8)
- dan=-2
- wait()
- pp=new('WedgePart')
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- if w1 then
- else
- end
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- pp.Material='Slate'
- if dan1 then
- asdlal=new('WedgePart')
- asdlal.formFactor=3
- for lawlz,Evil in pairs(Evil)do
- asdlal:remove()
- asdlal.formFactor=3
- asdlal.Size=vnew(.25,.8,15/w)
- end
- asdlal.CanCollide=false
- asdlal.Parent=pp
- mmm.Part0=pp
- mmm.C0=fnew(0,0,-asdlal.Size.z/2)
- if w1 then
- else
- end
- table.insert(motors.left,ppmotor)
- if w1 then
- else
- ppmotor.C0=rot(-.1/(w/7),.07,0)+vnew(0,pp.Size.y,0)
- nextpp=pp
- X(function()
- v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
- end
- v.C1=rot(0,-.1,-.1)
- end
- X(function()
- v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
- end
- v.C1=rot(0,.1,.1)
- end
- X(function()
- v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
- end
- v.C1=rot(0,-.1,0)
- end
- X(function()
- v.C1=rot(.1,0,0)
- end
- v.C1=rot(0,.1,0)
- end
- Rmotor.MaxVelocity=.1
- Lmotor.DesiredAngle=.8
- end
- leftarm=function(bool)
- newlarm=new('Motor6D')
- newlarm.Parent=player.Character.Torso
- newlarm.Part1=player.Character['Left Arm']
- newlarm.C0=fnew(-1,.5,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
- if boolfalse then return newlarm end
- an.Disabled=true
- end)
- end
- Name=function()
- for LA=1,3 do
- end
- end
- Lazer=function(m)wllwlw=false
- if vplayer.Name then
- end
- if wllwlwfalse then return end
- asdTroll='asd'
- rarm.MaxVelocity=.2
- larm=leftarm(false)
- larm.DesiredAngle=-math.rad(110)
- lball=new('Part')
- lball.Shape=0
- lball.CanCollide=false
- lball.TopSurface=0
- lball.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
- if player.Namev then
- end
- lball.Parent=player.Character
- lweld.Part0=lweld.Parent
- lweld.C0=fnew(0,-4,0)
- rball=new('Part')
- rball.Shape=0
- rball.Transparency=.5
- rball.BottomSurface=0
- rball.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
- if player.Namev then
- end
- rball.Parent=player.Character
- rweld.Part0=rweld.Parent
- rweld.C0=fnew(0,-4,0)
- X(function()
- part=new('Part')
- part.Transparency=.3
- new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(asdrandom,asdrandom,asdrandom)
- part.Anchored=true
- part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+lball.Position
- part.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
- if player.Namev then
- end
- part.Parent=lball
- end)
- part=new('Part')
- part.Transparency=.3
- new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(asdrandom,asdrandom,asdrandom)
- part.Anchored=true
- part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+rball.Position
- part.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
- if player.Namev then
- end
- part.Parent=rball
- rball:remove()
- rightarm(true)
- asdTroll=nil
- if pp~=nil then pp:remove()end
- pos=m.Hit.p
- life(pp,.1)
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- pp.Size=vnew(6,1000,6)
- exp.Position=pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
- exp.Parent=workspace
- Join.formFactor=0
- new('SpecialMesh',Join).MeshType='Sphere'
- Join.Anchored=true
- Join.TopSurface=0
- Join.Transparency=.5
- Join.CFrame=rot(0,math.rad(3.6*wasd)*2,0)+pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
- pJoin=new('Part')
- new('BlockMesh',pJoin).Scale=vnew(10,10,10)+vnew((wasd/30),(wasd/30),(wasd/30))
- pJoin.Size=vnew(1,1,1)
- pJoin.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- pJoin.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))+pos+vnew(math.random(-3,3),0,math.random(-3,3))
- pp.Parent=player.Character
- pp.BrickColor=BrickColor.White()
- end)
- end
- rightarm=function(bool)
- newrarm=new('Motor6D')
- newrarm.Parent=player.Character.Torso
- newrarm.Part1=player.Character['Right Arm']
- newrarm.C1=fnew(-.5,.5,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,-1,0,0)
- pcall(function()
- an.Disabled=true
- end)
- return newrarm
- end
- light=function()
- if pcall(function()torso=player.Character.Torso end)then
- return
- larm=leftarm(false)
- life(tt,0)
- tt:play()
- life(Pl,20)
- Pl.Anchored=true
- Pl.Parent=workspace
- end
- bodys=function(asd)
- if v:IsA('BodyVelocity')or v:IsA('BodyGyro')then
- end
- if asdtrue then return end
- bg=new('BodyGyro')
- bv.velocity=vnew(0,0,0)
- bg.Parent=torso
- end
- for i,v in pairs(player.Character:children())do
- v:remove()
- end
- part=new('Part')
- part.BottomSurface=0
- part.Size=torso.Size*5
- part.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- part.CFrame=torso.CFrame
- part.Parent=player.Character
- weld.Parent=torso
- weld.Part1=part
- for i=1,5 do
- part.Transparency=.5-i/10
- part.Transparency=.5
- end
- torso=player.Character.Torso
- m.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
- fly=fly-10
- fly=10
- elseif k'r'then
- elseif k'f'then
- elseif k't'then
- X(function()player.Character.WingMain:remove()end)
- fly=fly+10
- MUp=false
- elseif k'p'then
- elseif k'b'then
- elseif k'x'then
- if m.Targetworkspace or m.Targetnil then return end
- game:service('Debris'):AddItem(ko,1)
- ko.Name='creator'
- if v:IsA('Humanoid')then
- v.Torso:BreakJoints()
- for asd=1,100 do
- part=new('WedgePart')
- part.formFactor=0
- part.Anchored=true
- part.CFrame=rot(math.rad(math.random(1,180)),math.rad(math.random(1,180)),math.rad(math.random(1,180)))+v.Torso.Position
- part.BrickColor=BrickColor.Black()
- new('BlockMesh',part).Scale=vnew(random,random,random)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- ball(true)
- MUp=false
- leftarm(false)
- bg.cframe=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(math.rad(-60),0,0)
- bv.velocity=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p).lookVector*fly
- m.Move:connect(function()
- torso=player.Character.Torso
- bg.maxTorque=vnew(math.huge,math.huge,math.huge)
- bg.cframe=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(math.rad(-60),0,0)
- bv.velocity=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p).lookVector*fly
- end)
- MUp=true
- bodys(false)
- leftarm(true)
- delay(2,function()if MUptrue then bodys(true)end end)
- torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
- torso.CFrame=fnew(torso.Position,m.hit.p)*rot(0,0,0)
- torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
- end)
- X(function()
- bodys(true)
- torso.RotVelocity=vnew(0,0,0)
- end)