Jul 23rd, 2018
Here you can find free and OP scripts.
Roblox Egg Farm Simulator How To Make People Kill Chickens Naturally
- Health is a property of Humanoid objects that determines the current vitality of that Humanoid. Whenever Health drops to 0, the Humanoid dies, all joints in the model that houses the humanoid breaks, and the Died event fires. If the head is detached from the torso, the Humanoid's Health is automatically set to zero. In game,by default when Health drops to 0 in any way except falling from a.
- Coloring Page+ Roblox Adopt Me Chicken. Condition is 'New'. (Farm Pet, Adopt Me) After you purchase please message me and i’ll send you a copy of the coloring page. If you so choose, I include a free adopt me chicken with this and to claim that just message me with ur roblox username:). Please have parent approval.
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- for _,v in next, workspace.Farms:GetDescendants() do
- if v.Value nil and not workspace.Farms:FindFirstChild(game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name) then
- v.Parent.Name = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name
- game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Parent:FindFirstChild('Floor').Ground.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 3, 0)
- end
- end
- while wait(.5) do
- if workspace.Farms:FindFirstChild(game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name) then
- for _,v in next, workspace.Farms[game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Name]:GetChildren() do
- v.CFrame = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 1, 0)
- end
- for _,v in next, workspace.Terrain:GetChildren() do
- v.CFrame = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end
- end
Jul 12th, 2017
Roblox Egg Farm Simulator How To Make People Kill Chickens Without
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- --//Variables--
- local DataStore = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
- local Admins ={'Skelelelelele','Mineloxer'}--//People who you want as admins
- --//Events--
- local Folder = Instance.new('Folder', Player)
- local BanCheck = Instance.new('BoolValue', Folder)
- BanCheck.Value = BanList:GetAsync(Player.userId)orfalse--//False is default if no save for the player
- --//Checks if the player is banned or not
- Player:Kick('You're Banned')--//Reason for kick
- for i, AdminName inipairs(Admins)do
- --//Commands--
- if message:sub(1,6)'/kill 'then
- local TargetPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(7))
- local Character = TargetPlayer.Character
- Character.Humanoid.Health =0
- end
- if message:sub(1,6)'/heal 'then
- local TargetPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(7))
- local Character = TargetPlayer.Character
- Character.Humanoid.Health = Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
- end
- if message:sub(1,6)'/kick 'then
- local TargetPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(7))
- TargetPlayer:Kick('Kicked by '.. Player.Name)--//Kick message/reason
- end
- --//Ban Command
- local TargetPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(message:sub(6))
- local BanCheck = TargetPlayer.PlayerValues.IsBanned
- BanCheck.Value =true
- end
- TargetPlayer:Kick('You've been banned by '.. Player.Name)--//Reason || Message
- end
- --//Unban Command
- if message:sub(1,7)'/unban 'then--//USES ID NOT NAME
- if UserId then
- end
- break
- end
- end)